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Travel Agents

This extensive archive provides up-to-date news, trends, and insights relevant to travel agents, including travel advisors, travel agencies, at-home agents, and firms of all sizes. Designed for professionals working in the travel industry, these news stories offer valuable information on the evolving landscape of travel services and distribution channels. Stay informed about the latest developments affecting travel advisors, from technology advancements to client relations and best practices and gain insights into the growing importance of personalized service and how advisors are adapting to the changing demands of their clientele in a competitive market.

Tour Operators

Travel + Leisure Joins Ranks of Publications Selling Readers Branded Vacations

The line between editorial and advertising is blurring for many travel publications. Branded vacations are just the next step in making more money by riding this line.

Travel + Leisure Joins Ranks of Publications Selling Readers Branded Vacations


Airlines Are Looking to Make Amends With Travel Agents

Now that airlines are making money again, they're fighting for business from corporate travel agents.

Airlines Are Looking to Make Amends With Travel Agents

Travel Agents

Sharing Economy Opens New Possibilities for Business Travel

As sharing economy services provide stronger data tools to corporate agencies, the role of Uber and Airbnb will expand in corporate travel policies.

Sharing Economy Opens New Possibilities for Business Travel

Media and PR

Marriott Removes Ad Making Fun of Travel Agents

Another salvo launched in the battle to increase direct hotel bookings. Two of three videos in the series are still online, though.

Marriott Removes Ad Making Fun of Travel Agents


What 3 Airline Executives Wouldn’t Talk About at a Travel Agents’ Conference

Who's more important to the airlines: shareholders or passengers? Take one guess.

What 3 Airline Executives Wouldn’t Talk About at a Travel Agents’ Conference


Lufthansa Offers Direct Booking Savings and Agents Aren’t Happy

Other airlines will feel more comfortable charging fees to encourage travelers to book directly if Lufthansa's plan works. Travel agents and other intermediaries will be in trouble if this becomes a trend.

Lufthansa Offers Direct Booking Savings and Agents Aren’t Happy

Business Travel

Skift Global Forum: What to Expect From the Travel Agent of the Future

Virtuoso is repositioning the role of travel agents from information providers to long-term travel consultants.

Skift Global Forum: What to Expect From the Travel Agent of the Future

Business Travel

British Millennials Use Travel Agents at Twice the Rate of Americans

The British millennials value traditional travel agents more than American millennials, but still a large majority have moved away from it, which shows in the number of shuttered high street travel agent store fronts over the last decade or so.

British Millennials Use Travel Agents at Twice the Rate of Americans

Business Travel

Travel Habits of Millennials: Only 10 Percent Used a Travel Agent Last Year

There are hints that while millennials have largely moved away from traditional travel agents, there are use cases that require them and sub-cultures that will continue to use them one way or the other.

Travel Habits of Millennials: Only 10 Percent Used a Travel Agent Last Year